I’m sure we’ve all set some personal goals during this period of self isolation and social distancing. Maybe you’re working on a health goal, or a professional goal, or even a relationship related goal. As a recent college graduate, I’ve been concentrating on professional goals throughout the Summer and into the Fall, related to my design and illustration skills. Like most everyone, I’ve struggled to meet my goals in the past and have given up many times; this time has been different, it’s been much more positive. Here are 3 tips that have helped me stick with my goals and gradually make progress.

1. Participate in a daily challenge
Earlier this year I signed up for Logocore’s 30 Day Logo Challenge, and created a unique logo each day for a month straight. Not all of the logos were that great, but it helped me immensely to make something new each day based on a specific prompt. It helped me get over the fear of that blank page, and just start making. Starting is the hardest part for most of us, so give yourself some motivation and structure by signing up for or creating your own daily challenge related to your goals. Sit down for an hour and mark up your calendar with a schedule and specific tasks.
2. Join a group
During my daily logo challenge, I kept up with others working through the same prompts through social media. It was great receiving feedback and encouragement from folks working on the same goal! If you’re interested in the social benefits a goal community can provide, search for existing groups online, or start your own with friends. Local groups have the added benefit of meetup potential post-COVID, which could be helpful for certain goals like reading or exercising more.

3. Volunteer
I know - everyone is stressed and pressed for time these days, and we need all the leisure time we can get. This tip is for those of you with some extra time who are looking for something fun, meaningful, and useful to do. Volunteering can help you reach a goal by giving you a place to practice skills you need to meet that goal, like communication skills, design skills, project management skills, etc. There are plenty of virtual volunteering opportunities available during this time - I’m participating in 2 right now! This is a great way to help locally, or nationally, while learning new skills along the way.
I hope these tips are helpful for you all while you work towards your goals! Feel free to share what you’re working on in the comments below.